Tag Archives: Oscar Wilde


“The true perfection of man lies not in what a man has, but in what he is.”    Oscar Wilde
“No man is perfect, except Jesus”

Is anyone really perfect? We go about life and our activities trying to be the best that we can. Sometimes, trying too hard makes us lose focus on the things that matter most. One thing we should know is that nobody is perfect; we are all just working towards perfection, but until we get the understanding of who we really are, we would not be able to achieve much, let alone attaining our desires or goals in life.

Do you know who you are? Do you know what makes you tick? You need to work on yourself to be better appreciated by the people around you. Know your confines, standards and the things you hold dear that can make you a better person.
People go about life with the view to finding everything right with an individual. They fail to realize that no human being is perfect. Why don’t we forget about looking out for faults in people and build ourselves mentally, spiritually and in other ramifications? It would amaze us how fast we will be located by thegood things life has to offer. Stop looking for perfection, because you won’t find it. Seize the day, make good use of every opportunity that comes your way and success will come knocking at your door.